Harris Farm Service

Harris Farm Service
  • للاندرويد 4.1 للاندرويد
  • الاصدار: 1.4
  • 37 MB

قم بالتحديث لأحدث نسخة 1.4!

app اسم Harris Farm Service
الاصدار 1.4
المطور TDMN Pty Ltd
يتطلب نسخة اندرويد للاندرويد 4.1
أخر تحديث 2024-03-06

تحميل Harris Farm Service app للاندرويد

Harris Farm Service is a convenient and easy-to-use app that helps trolley staff manage their trolley inventory. With this app, you can:

- Log in with your credentials and select your store location.
- View a map of the surrounding area and see the locations of missing trolleys that need to be collected.
- Tap on a trolley icon to get more information, such as the status and the battery level.
- Use Google Maps to navigate to the trolley location.

This app, powered by TDMN, is a smart and efficient way to keep your store stocked with trolleys and provide a better shopping experience for your customers. Download it today and start collecting!
  • 4
4 (863659)
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  • أخر تحديث
  • السعر$0
  • عدد التحميلات 100+
  • الفئة العمرية 12+ سنة
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