
  • للاندرويد 4.1 للاندرويد
  • الاصدار: 2.1.40
  • 18 MB

قم بالتحديث لأحدث نسخة 2.1.40!

app اسم Connect-Me
الاصدار 2.1.40
المطور Top Mission
يتطلب نسخة اندرويد للاندرويد 4.1
أخر تحديث 2023-10-02

تحميل Connect-Me app للاندرويد

Are you on the path God wants for you?
Do you yearn to develop a deeper relationship with Him?
To grow in your faith? Move forward... and thus become a 2.0 disciple who impacts his generation?
Discover Connect-Me!

More than just an app, Connect-Me is a unique and innovative tool at the service of Christians and churches! Connect-Me is not a mobile application like the others! It offers you the help of a virtual coach and incredible features!

- The virtual coach accompanies you and offers you challenges to grow and put your faith into action,
- The Thought of the Day and its journey SELAH helps you daily to take a break to get closer to God,
- Connect-Me offers you discipleship training paths and quality Bible content,
- You can follow these courses alone or in a group by inviting your friends and encouraging you in an integrated chat.
  • 4.6
4.6 (187)
معلومات إضافية من جوجل بلاي:
  • أخر تحديث
  • السعر$0
  • عدد التحميلات 10,000+
  • الفئة العمرية 12+ سنة
سرعة عالية و بدون فيروسات!

تم اختبار الروابط من قبلنا وهى سريعه وأمنه للتحميل!

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