Park Golf Scorecard

Park Golf Scorecard
  • للاندرويد 4.1 للاندرويد
  • الاصدار: 1.0.35
  • 13 MB

قم بالتحديث لأحدث نسخة 1.0.35!

app اسم Park Golf Scorecard
الاصدار 1.0.35
المطور codefarm
يتطلب نسخة اندرويد للاندرويد 4.1
أخر تحديث 2024-04-21

تحميل Park Golf Scorecard app للاندرويد

This app is the perfect companion for those who enjoy park golf.
It not only allows users to easily record pars, distances, and scores but also provides the functionality of reusing course information to quickly start rounds. Additionally, it enables users to effortlessly share match results with friends, fostering enjoyable competition.

Various Input Features:
Par Entry: Record the optimal par for each hole, enhancing the user's golf experience tracking accuracy.
Distance Entry: Measure shot distances, providing users with insights into their shot distances.
Score Entry: Quickly record the current hole's score during the round to maintain concentration.

Reusable Course Information:
Users can save course information after initial entry, making it more convenient to start additional rounds on the same course.

Match Results Sharing Feature:
Users can easily share match results with friends within the app.
  • 4.4
4.4 (12)
معلومات إضافية من جوجل بلاي:
  • أخر تحديث
  • السعر$0
  • عدد التحميلات 5,000+
  • الفئة العمرية 12+ سنة
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