Bird Seeker Spain

Bird Seeker Spain
  • Android 4.1 Android
  • Version: 0.0.58
  • 33 MB

Updated to version 0.0.58!

app Name Bird Seeker Spain
Version 0.0.58
Developer Turion Development
OS Android 4.1
Updated 2023-12-06

Download Bird Seeker Spain app Android

This tool will help you in comparative environmental analysis, evaluation of natural disasters, studies of renewable energy implementation, in the elaboration of bird lists with eBird, and to know the behavior of birds and their adaptation to the environment.

>> Know which natural area may be most suitable for a particular bird species by photographing different landscapes and seeing where that species appears with the highest percentage.
>> Which crop field is most likely to be attacked by corvids, by photographing different fields and seeing where the crow is most likely to appear.
>> What type of birds will be in the photographed place at different times of the year, taking a picture of a landscape and then changing the date.

Just take a photo of an area with trees, bushes, crop fields, a pond, mountains, buildings, etc. The application will show you which birds you are most likely to find there, you only have to indicate the geographical area (province), change the date if you want, and indicate if it was windy.

Autonomous Communities with improved results by Province:

Species included (39 of the 400 possible):
Abubilla común, Alondra común, Ánade azulón, Lavandera blanca, Lavandera boyera, Paloma bravía, Calandria común, Carricero común, Cerceta común, Cernícalo vulgar, Gorrión chillón, Cogujada común, Corneja negra, Cuco común, Cuervo grande, Estornino negro, Garceta grande, Grulla común, Herrerillo común, Jilguero europeo, Aguilucho lagunero occidental, Mirlo común, Gorrión molinero, Aguilucho pálido, Escribano palustre, Papamoscas cerrojillo, Perdiz roja, Petirrojo europeo, Pico picapinos, Pinzón vulgar, Pito ibérico, Bisbita pratense, Ruiseñor común, Tarabilla europea, Tarro blanco, Paloma torcaz, Escribano triguero, Tórtola turca, Urraca común.

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